Self-awareness entails understanding one’s own emotions, personal identity, goals, and values. This includes accurately assessing one’s strengths and limitations, having a positive mindset, and having a well-grounded sense of self-efficacy and optimism.
Self-management entails the skills and attitudes that facilitate emotional and behavioral regulation. This includes delayed gratification, stress management, impulse control, and perseverance in the face of personal and group challenges.
Social awareness is the ability to understand the perspectives of, empathize with, and be compassionate towards others including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures. In addition, it entails understanding the social norms, as well as knowing the resources of family, school, and the society for behavior in different settings.
Relationship skills involve the instruments necessary for building and maintaining healthy and rewarding relationships and existing effectively in settings that entail different social norms and expectations. They include communicating openly, listening actively, cooperating, resisting the unacceptable social pressures, negotiating conflict constructively and seeking help, where needed.
Responsible decision-making requires the knowledge, skills, and attitude to make constructive informed and choices for personal behavior and social interactions in different settings. It entails critically investigate the ethical standards, safety concerts, and behavioral norms for risky behavior, and includes areas such as factually evaluating the consequences of various interpersonal and corporate actions, while considering the their own health and well-being, and that of others.