Social awareness is the ability to understand the perspectives of, empathize with, and be compassionate towards others including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures. In addition, it entails understanding the social norms, as well as knowing the resources of family, school, and the society for behavior in different settings.
The following table demonstrates the Social Awareness goals and indicators according to grade levels.
K-2 |
3-5 |
6-8 |
9-12 |
Perspective-Taking and Empathy |
Are aware that others may have different opinions or feelings than them. |
Know about different perspectives.
Demonstrate awareness towards the feelings, experiences, and perspectives of others with an intercultural focus. |
Demonstrate awareness towards the feelings, life experiences, and perspectives of others with an intercultural focus. |
Identify and interpret the social clues (verbal and non-verbal) to determine how others feel. |
Identify and interpret the social clues (verbal and non-verbal) to determine how others feel. |
Identify and interpret the social clues (verbal and non-verbal) regarding how others feel and respond constructively. |
Evaluate and interpret the social clues (verbal and non-verbal) to determine how others feel and respond constructively. |
Identify others’ emotions without judging them and empathize with them. |
Connect/sympathize with how others feel through their own feelings. |
Foresee others’ feelings and reactions. |
Acknowledge and recognize other people’s feelings and perspectives. |
Acknowledge and value others’ feelings and perspective. |
Demonstrate awareness of and value differences, and respect human dignity. |
Appreciating Diversity and Respecting Others |
Identify the similarities and differences among people, and value and respect such differences. |
Determine the similarities and differences among people. |
Notice the impact of explicit and implicit biases in perceiving and judging others. |
Notice the impact of explicit and implicit biases in perceiving and judging others. |
Respect the emotions, wishes, rights, and traditions of others. |
Understands the contributions of various social and cultural groups. |
Demonstrate awareness of and value differences, and respect human dignity. |
Demonstrate awareness of and value differences, and respect human dignity. |
Interact effectively with those they share similarities and differences. |
Respect the emotions, wishes, rights, and traditions of others. |
Support the contributions of various social and cultural groups. |
Understands the contributions of various social and cultural groups. |
Interact effectively with those they share similarities and differences. |
Demonstrate willingness to take different perspectives into consideration. |
Demonstrate willingness to take different perspectives into consideration. |
Respect the emotions, wishes, rights, and traditions of others. |
Respect the emotions, wishes, rights, and traditions of others. |
Work effectively with those they share similarities and differences. |
Work effectively with those they share similarities and differences. |
Social Awareness |
Engage in activities that contribute to the general functioning and development of their classroom/school. |
Determine and undertake the roles that contribute to their family, school, and community. |
Determine the areas that can contribute to the society. |
Determine the areas that can contribute to the society. |
Define community and accept that they have a responsibility/role in that community. |
Accept that each individual is a part of the community. Determine strategies to develop those communities. |
Determine strategies to develop the community. |
Determine strategies to develop the community. |
Defend rights. |
Defend rights. |
Set a model for active participation in family, school, and community projects and activities. |
Set a model for active participation in family, school, and community projects and activities. |