Learning the Romantic Period Composers

Learning the Romantic Period Composers

Practice: Students see a documentary about Beethoven’s life. The documentary explains how Beethoven was pressured for not introducing any innovations to classical music. It continues by showing Beethoven’s fight against the challenges by arguing that music should change as the world changes, rather than getting stuck at a certain period. The documentary also addresses in empathy how he kept on composing his 9th Symphony, despite losing his hearing, and the things that he went through to complete his composition. As a result of these activities, students are expected to reflect their awareness onto their communication with others, and their own processes.

    When to Use

    Year round

    Age Level

    2nd and 3rd Grades


    2 courses


    Related Social-Emotional Learning Areas

    Emotional awareness, social awareness, empathy skills.



    Acquisition of music culture by listening to pieces of music. Students develop empathy skills by watching a documentary.