Relaxation Box

Relaxation Box


Papers are handed out to the students. They are asked to write some suggestions on them about how to relax emotionally and physically when they feel stressed. The suggestions are collected and put in a box that can be seen in the class. A paper is drawn out of the box at the beginning of each week/month and shared with the students. If needed, they can be hung on the clipboard. Students are encouraged to try those suggestions that week/month. They are later asked to explain their experiences and how those suggestions help them.

Additionally, they can be encouraged to implement draw a paper from the box to implement a suggestion when they feel stressed.

    When to Use

    Anytime around the year

    Age Level

    Primary School, Middle School


    40 mins + follow-up


    Paper, pen, box

    Related Areas of Social-Emotional Learning

    Managing emotions, expressing emotions


    Increasing emotional resilience, acquiring stress coping skills