Ethical Thinking Exercises

Ethical Thinking Exercises

Practice: Templates are used as a tool in the process of creating alternative solutions when there are conflicts between students who have disagreements. Firstly, a common definition of conflict is made. In order to evaluate the conflict or the problem, students are first given 3-4 minutes to think individually and fill out the form. Then, small groups of 3-4 people are formed and students share what they wrote in the form and fill out a mutual form by exchanging ideas. After the small group discussion, the group spokespersons convey what was discussed in each group. The discussion is conducted based on the ethical thinking criteria in the form, the situation assessment is performed and the problem is supported with open-ended questions to come up with alternative ideas for solving the problem.

    When to Use

    Evaluating the consequences of actions and decisions can be used as a facilitating method when creating solutions to conflicts about rights and responsibilities.

    Age Level

    10-14 years


    30 mins


    Paper, pencil, exercise forms selected in accordance with the subject in copies to be handed to each student.

    Related Areas of Social-Emotional Learning

    Responsible decision-making, self-assessment.


    Developing ethical thinking skills.