Three-Step Breathing Zone

Three-Step Breathing Zone

Practice: Students sit on a chair or mattress by observing the limits of the school and classroom order. They need to be in a comfortable position but not asleep. They are told they can close their eyes if they want. A meditative track is played. The volume should not mask teacher’s voice. Then the Three-Step Breathing Zone Exercise is introduced to the students by reading and they are asked to practice it. Once the activity is finished, students talk about their experience.

The teacher can record voices to share with students, who can be suggested to repeat this practice within the day. If repeated, it will be very useful and increase awareness.

    When to Use

    Anytime around the year.

    Age Level

    All levels


    20-30 mins


    A musical instrument, voice recorder (optional)

    Related Areas of Social-Emotional Learning

    Self-awareness, managing emotions.



    Boosting awareness and emotional resilience, acquiring stress coping skills